The PS/2 to Atom Matrix Keyboard Interface

The keyboard interface maps PS/2 keyboard signals to a simulated crosspoint matrix in the FPGA. This ensures existing software that reads the matrix directly will still run. If this project were only to run new software, this matrix might be dispensed with and the OSRDCH routine modified to read PS/2 keyboard bytes directly. Full size PS/2 keyboards are significantly larger than the prototype board, and you might want to be able to read a real key matrix with fewer or smaller keys. This is also a practical design modification.

The keyboard sometimes misses characters when typing at my usual speed. I remember my original atom did that too, and I had put it down to key contact corrosion (a common fault on early versions). However I now believe it may be due to the firmware not being able to resolve rapid keyboard changes.

The Atom's Keyboard Matrix

Row   Data (read)
    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0   s
ESC Q G - = 3 #  
1   Z P F , < 2 "  
2   Y O E ; + 1 !
3   X N D : * 0
4   W M C 9 ) del lock
5   V L B 8 ( copy up
6   U K A 7 ' ret ]
7   T J @ 6 &   \
8   S I / ? 5 %   [
9   R H . > 4 $   sp

The Atom reads the keyboard data from memory mapped I/O, as 10 rows of 6 columns.
Where there are two characters shown the second is the shifted character.
Characters that may cause trouble due to PS/2 keyboard incompatibilities are coloured red.
The row is selected by writing to the 6502's memory-mapped 8255 port A at address 0xB000.
The data are read selected by reading to the 8255 port B at address 0xB001.

PS/2 Scan code to Atom Matrix conversion

--> PS/2
-scan-code-> FIFO -> Atom Keyboard
Matrix Encoder
<-- 4-bit row addr
--> 6-bit row data
--> 2-bit shift and ctrl
<-- <-control-codes-   <-- encoder <-- status for LEDs

At the moment, only keyboard transmission is implemented. So the keyboard LEDs are inactive.

The resaon for this is because adding the extra direction is more work than I feel it is worth for a feature that isn't really that useful.

Code Interfacing

The PS/2 code to Atom matrix is like so (all codes in hex)
s indicates the state of the PC's shift key
--- indicates no matrix position.

	PS/2	Ascii	Matrix (S=shift, C=bit column, R=byte row
Shift	scan	char	Atom SRC
s	66	08	???	// Backspace ("backspace" key)
s	0d	09	???	// Horizontal Tab
s	5a	0d	s61	// Carriage return ("enter" key)
s	76	1b	s05	// Escape ("esc" key)
s	29	20	s90	// Space
1	16	21	121	// !
1	52	22	111	// "
1	26	23	101	// #
1	25	24	192	// $
1	2e	25	182	// %
1	3d	26	172	// &
0	52	27	---	// ' (under the @ key)
1	46	28	152	// (
1	45	29	142	// )
1	3e	2a	132	// *
1	55	2b	122	// +
0	41	2c	012	// ,
0	4e	2d	002	// -
0	49	2e	093	// .
0	4a	2f	083	// /
0	45	30	031	// 0
0	16	31	021	// 1
0	1e	32	011	// 2
0	26	33	001	// 3
0	25	34	092	// 4
0	2e	35	082	// 5
0	36	36	072	// 6
0	3d	37	062	// 7
0	3e	38	052	// 8
0	46	39	042	// 9
1	4c	3a	032	// :
0	4c	3b	022	// ;
1	41	3c	112	// <
0	55	3d	102	// =
1	49	3e	193	// >
1	4a	3f	183	// ?
1	1e	40	073	// @
1	1c	41	063	// A
1	32	42	053	// B
1	21	43	043	// C
1	23	44	033	// D
1	24	45	023	// E
1	2b	46	013	// F
1	34	47	003	// G
1	33	48	094	// H
1	43	49	084	// I
1	3b	4a	074	// J
1	42	4b	064	// K
1	4b	4c	054	// L
1	3a	4d	044	// M
1	31	4e	034	// N
1	44	4f	024	// O
1	4d	50	014	// P
1	15	51	004	// Q
1	2d	52	095	// R
1	1b	53	085	// S
1	2c	54	075	// T
1	3c	55	065	// U
1	2a	56	055	// V
1	1d	57	045	// W
1	22	58	035	// X
1	35	59	025	// Y
1	1a	5a	015	// Z
0	54	5b	s60	// [
0	5d	5c	s50	// \
0	5b	5d	s40	// ]
1	36	5e	s--	// ^ (Not on Atom)
1	4e	5f	s--	// _ (Not on Atom)
0	0e	60	s--	// ` (left of the '1' key). (Not on Atom)
0	1c	61	173	// a
0	32	62	163	// b
0	21	63	153	// c
0	23	64	143	// d
0	24	65	133	// e
0	2b	66	123	// f
0	34	67	113	// g
0	33	68	194	// h
0	43	69	184	// i
0	3b	6a	174	// j
0	42	6b	164	// k
0	4b	6c	154	// l
0	3a	6d	144	// m
0	31	6e	134	// n
0	44	6f	124	// o
0	4d	70	114	// p
0	15	71	104	// q
0	2d	72	195	// r
0	1b	73	185	// s
0	2c	74	175	// t
0	3c	75	165	// u
0	2a	76	155	// v
0	1d	77	145	// w
0	22	78	135	// x
0	35	79	125	// y
0	1a	7a	115	// z
1	54	7b	s--	// { (Not on Atom)
1	5d	7c	s--	// | (Not on Atom)
1	5b	7d	s--	// } (Not on Atom)
1	0e	7e	s--	// ~ (Not on Atom)
s	71	7f	s41	// (Delete OR DEL on numeric keypad)
				// Specials:
X	F0			// Indicates the next key code is for the key release

The PC defaults to lower case a-z, and the shift key produces upper-case.
The Atom defaults to upper case A-Z, and the shift key produces inverted A-Z.
Thus the PC's shift sense has to be inverted for these characters.

Historical aside

The keyboard was the starting point for the whole project. My original Atom keyboard was frequently missing keys, presumably due to age and tarnished switch contacts. Equivalent key switches are not individually expensive, but a whole keyboard of them are about £50, more than the Atom is worth. And certainly way more than a common PC keyboard. You can get one of those cheaper than a primitive 4x4 pad of key switches!

I looked at making generic PS/2 to matrix interface. A lot of other old equipment with matrix keyboards might also find this useful.

I thought of making a device to simply connect the FPGA to the matrix at the Atom's 8255 I/O pins. That's about 18 pins. Then I thought a better way might be to implement the 8255 chip in VHDL, and simply connect to the data bus and chip select. This uses fewer pins. The 8255 is capable of three modes of operation and programmable direction, but the Atom uses the 8255 in mode zero - simple I/O - and the I/O directions are fixed. So the complexity of the 8255 in the Atom can be reduced to 24 simple I/O signals within the FPGA, and not all of them need to physical I/O pins.

These approaches still need cobbling to the Atom with bits of wire. How could this be done with the least inelegance?

Eventually I felt there were so many things that could be improved: all of the digital TTL logic could be easily done in programmable logic, many small memory chips replaced with big ones, and the increasingly rare 6847 had significant shortcomings. This reasoning led me to believe it would be most elegant to pack all but the CPU and memory into a single FPGA.